Landscaping Tips
- In June, the warm weather is ideal for the planting your summer annuals if you haven’t planted them earlier. Perennials like the peonies, roses, iris, delphinium, as well as some of the later azaleas and rhodies are coming on this month. Be sure and stake the taller perennials. Plant sunflowers early this month for fall bloom.
- Weed, water and renew or replace mulch.
- You can prune the overlong rhody branches after they bloom. Remember that next years flower is in this year’s growth so if you prune heavily you may not get blossoms next year.
- Keep the black spot fungus on your roses under control if possible or plant resistant varieties. Remember to irrigate rather than sprinkle. Fungal receptive plants like roses and tomatoes need to be irrigated. On your roses the problem is caused by a fungus, Diplocarpon rosae. Avoid dense planting, avoid overhead spray and if necessary spray with a fungicide like Captan, Daconil, Funginex, Banner or Fore but switch every third or forth application because the fungus develops a resistance if you use the same fungicide every time.
- Coordinate vacation plans with neighbors, trading gardening care services so you keep you flowers and grass alive while you’re away.
- Remember to consider native plants in your landscape they are best adapted to this area. They require substantially less water and are more insect resistant than imported plants
Vegetable Garden
Mulch to keep down weeds and to prevent the soil surface from drying and to keep your veggies clean. Thin out carrots and other direct-seeded vegetables to recommended spacing and eat the thinnings. As the weather settles, finish planting cukes, eggplants, peppers, squash and tomatoes. Sow basil, beans and corn now if you didn’t get it planted in late May.
Child’s Garden
Make a teepee with long heavy willow sticks or bamboo poles and plant pole beans or gourd seeds around the circle; fasten them up as they grow to make a sheltering house. Learn a bird’s name. Look for ladybugs.
Remember to bring your plant questions to the eastside Master Gardener Clinics held every Saturday at the Redmond or Issaquah Pickering Barn Farmer’s Markets or the Squak Mt. Nursery.